Private Institution
This patterned living wall introduces biophilic components to the atrium of a private Toronto school. The abstract pattern brings to mind an eye, and is popular place for students to spend time between classes.
This patterned living wall introduces biophilic components to the atrium of a private Toronto school. The abstract pattern brings to mind an eye, and is popular place for students to spend time between classes.
Designed to complement Arc Media’s tech-savvy and innovative spirit, this GinkgoWall system manages itself through automatic self-contained irrigation and full-spectrum fluorescent lighting features to allow ARC Media to focus on their clients’ projects, while being able to appreciate the benefits of bringing nature into the workplace.
Situated alongside water treatment tanks, the vegetation on these two living roof areas had begun to grow into the root-free ballast border areas. GINKGO Maintenance trims the vegetation as needed, and weeds and fertilizes to keep the vegetation healthy.
These living roof areas will help improve this building’s energy efficiency while improving its aesthetic appeal.
Installed alongside solar installations, this living roof is one feature that helps this building reduce its energy costs.
The living roofs on this private residence are expansive and enhance the integration of the home with its surroundings.
Located on the garage roof of a private residence, this living roof provides energy savings while enhancing the view for the home’s residents.
Installed alongside rooftop terraces, this extensive living roof provides a space for faculty and staff to enjoy the outdoors. As one of our maintenance sites, it is also an example of a green roof that has successfully incorporated biodiversity principles into its maintenance program. Maintained as a meadow grassland, the green roof features logs and branches […]